At St Joseph's we are committed to the provision of quality inclusive education and strategic renewal principles and practices that recognise, respect and respond to the developmental, educational, social, and cultural diversity of students within school communities.
All students have an entitlement to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning activities drawn from a challenging curriculum that addresses their individual learning needs. Whole-school data-informed planning includes school-based processes and strategies that benefit the diversity of the student body.
In cases where new students to the College have additional needs or a disability that requires support, we will work with the family through and EASP (Enrolment Application and Support Process). This is a consultative and collaborative process to ensure that students with disability are offered access to and participate in education on the same basis as other students
Class teachers use the flexible design of the Australian curriculum to meet their professional obligation to respond to the diverse and personalised learning needs of students to plan and make necessary adjustments to meet individual learning needs.
Partnerships and networks are actively sought and facilitated by college leadership to ensure collaborative consultation provides optimal opportunities for student attainment. Specialist staff and system processes support the implementation of pedagogical practices to meet diverse student needs.
Provision by the college leadership of appropriate resources and professional learning opportunities for staff ensures all teachers are familiar with research evidenced intervention strategies and that class teachers plan and implement expected and effective education practices for the continuum of student diversity as is reasonable and as is appropriate.